Ricardo Arjona cundo

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Ricardo Arjona
When was the last time you saw the stars
with your eyes closed
and clung like a shipwrecked person to the shore
from someone's back.
When was the last time
that your love left you
for not letting him free.
When was the last time
br/>that they kissed you so much
that you said my name.
When your pride got the better of you
and you chose to cry
for not forgiving me.
When It was the last time
that a simple deja vu
took me into your arms.
when was the last time
that they loved you so much .
when did pride win over you
and you chose to cry.
when will you be again
what you never were.
When was the last time
that you felt alone
and came to hate me.
When did I convince you
the damn spite
that one nail pulls out another.
When did you forget that the point
is not to understand one another but to accept oneself.
If your wound is healed
also erase the scar
and if one day we see each other
please answer.
* When, ...