Ringo Starr love is

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Forever takes so long
You turn around it's gone
Everybody's here
But never for too long
The door of willingness
Will one day open
For everyone
Time will always heal
What the broken-hearted feel
The poet's say it's so
But I'm not sure it's real
I only know the answer
Is inside me
And everyone
Love is here
Everywhere it's calling
If you hear
Love is opening your heart
It will appear
Love is
Love is here
The quiet helps me stand
A spirit guides my hand
And that is how I know
That there's a bigger plan
This world is not for me
And you alone
It's for everyone
A war will still go on
But love will come on strong
You have to look inside
To see where you've come from
I only wish
For nothing less
Than everything
Love is
Love is here
Love is
Love is love