Rotterdam Terror Corps we declare war

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Every believer all over the world wake up and realize, Satan is busy
destroying the world right before
our very eyes, our children are killing
our children guns and knives
terrorize our schools, we can't just stand
here we can't accept this,
there's only one thing left for the believers to do
We declare war against the enemy he is defeated Satan's under our feet
we cannot lose with the Lord on our
side Satan this is it we're tired of
taking it Satan we declare war
The enemy is cunning and his strategy is sure on this you can depend
the devil hates it when we glorify God he wants us to glorify him
that's why our music is losing its
power, worldly influence is making it sour
there's no gospel there's no
annointing we cannot let this happen in this
critical hour
Stand fight rise up
Blow the trumpet in Zion Zion
he is defeated the devil is defeated
blow the trumpet in Zion Zion
Stomp stomp stomp stomp stomp on the devil
he is defeated the devil is defeated
I've got the victory I've got the victory
Satan this is it we're tired of takin it Satan we declare war