Rozwell Kid total mess

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Walk backwards, in through the front door
And straight into the truck that you wiggled out of before
I've gone around and around
I'm always in doubt with you
I've mastered the stupid little trick
Of doing everything to the point that it makes me sick
I know I'm down on the ground
I'm passing out next to you
And you said it best
When you said I'm a mess
And you said it best
When you said I'm a mess
Run faster through the city streets
And give a hundred-dollar bill to every single person you meet
I'm blowing all of my dough
Doesn't matter if I'm with you
You said it best
When you said I'm a mess
And you said it best
When you said I'm a mess
You said it best
When you said I'm a mess
You said it best
When you said I'm a mess
You said it best
When you said I'm a mess
You said it best