Sad Robot the prostitute

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I hate the way you stare, you don't make a sound
I hate the things that you say while I'm still around
You break and take a piece, a part of me, but then you give it away
But I cost more than the price you say
Free me of all that you see, under my skin
Cleanse me of the demons I bear, and my deadly sins
Reborn myself again, and I'll shed my layers thin
I'm gonna burn this house to the ground if you cage me in
I'm gonna get out of town, a fresher start, a new way
Gonna find this road out, this is my final day
I see the greener grass lie upon my hill on the side
Gonna get out of Dodge, you'll never take me away
Faster track
Run away
Never coming back
You run a ways but you get to a no man's land
You've miled high but you don't forget the place you stand
And I've tasted freedom, but I'm right back in your hands
I got a one-way ticket out but you've got other plans
I'm gonna get out of town, a fresher start, a new way
Gonna find this road out, this is my final day
I see the greener grass lie upon my hill on the side
Gonna get out of Dodge, you'll never take me away
Faster track
Run away
Never coming back
Ooh, bad boy why don't you chain me down
Chain me right down to the floor
Chew on your tongue when you talk so cheap
Why don't you take a peek once more
Ooh bad boy why don't you chain me down, baby
Ooh bad boy why don't you chain me down
Ooh bad boy why don't you chain me down
Ooh bad boy why don't you chain me down
I'm gonna get out of town, a fresher start, a new way
Gonna find this road out, this is my final day
I see the greener grass lie upon my hill on the side
Gonna get out of Dodge, you'll never take me away
Faster track
Run away
Way down
Faster track
Run away
Never coming back