Sally Shapiro all my life

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Think it over
I don't know what what what you could do
But I knew you
Because you were my fool
Little dreamers
We were so young young young in the night
Yet believers
I still think we were right
Was it love?
Is it love?
lLfe on my own seems beautiful now
When you're gone I couldn't just stand by your side
All my life
I knew you
You were the beat beat beat of my heart
I could turn to you
Then you tore me apart
Dear mother
You look so sad but I am okay
I'm not like you
I can't make up my mind in one day
Was it love?
Is it love?
Life on my own seems beautiful now
When you're gone I couldn't just stand by your side
All my life
All my life
Think again
I don't know
What you could do
You're a fool
We did dream
In the night
I believe
That we were right
You look sad
But I'm okay
Life is good
When you are gone
I could not
Stand by you
Was it love?
Is it love?