Santini The Great gaurdian angel

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Guardian angel haven't yet saved you
love they no more (boom boom)
this is revenge and it's a coldish
baby I am an criminal
falling you with dominoes (boom chicka boom boom)
no guardian angel can save you (chikca chika)
no guardian angel can save you (boom chika boom boom)
no guardian angel can save you
revenge (yeah, yeah, yeah)
you can't help I 'ma save you
can't make anyone here your scream
I'm a night hell different form your fucking chains (ha ha ha)
people duck hell you aint even sin
cops everywhere you hear the sound of sirens (wop… wop wop)
but you stop missing person I kicked the struggle
the day your popes just stopped hurston (ah)
I stopped laughing and huh you stopped the gasping
you see me coming down with power juice and bunch of ass
they hmm see you were talking shit (oh shit)
and I see you did nacho fucking quick
that DNA of my motherfucker about cousin (cousin)
I fuck bush fucking hate when jacks bow
this meant or your body and the sip
cut of the fingers with a damn brenda
and made you drink (eh)
how sick am I thinking whit fined and i linking
get some paper brick in case you get that stinking
you go Guardian angel haven't yet saved you
love they no more (boom boom)
this is revenge and it's a coldish
baby I am an criminal
falling you with dominoes (boom chicka boom boom)
no guardian angel can save you (chikca chika)
no guardian angel can save you (boom chika boom boom)
no guardian angel can save you
revenge (yeah, yeah, yeah)
grab the chainsaw (chainsaw)
I'm sticking in to your jaw and stocking it lose
got just like I'm now (ah)
I'm scribing from damn hatchet and pops strait your ass
leave you in bed a mangos huh
I got some stuff from your bones
just the type of shit you properly see on cartoons (yeah)
but lades play hockey with jb cats (oh)
cut your fingers of you need that (what)
take the bat shepherd in down hips (augh)
smack in the medical bone
super glue the hips
that aint shit
you found them out of moutn grave
how about we capture no one entertains
we trying to speak what happened they won't believe you (no)
we starts to swallow the tongue we have desist
wow look what I have done
oh Jesus it was fun now time to leave us
Guardian angel haven't yet saved you
love they no more (boom boom)
this is revenge and it's a coldish
baby I am an criminal
falling you with dominoes (boom chicka boom boom)
no guardian angel can save you (chikca chika)
no guardian angel can save you (boom chika boom boom)
no guardian angel can save you
revenge (yeah, yeah, yeah)


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