Scarlet Moon white roses stained with blood

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Dignified beauty with porcelan skin
Hair black like night with a thousand stars
Heart melted under one look of deep eyes
Beautifull outside but rotten inside
Solemn, proud man with mistery in eyes
I gave him my love, devote to his will
But what he wanted was my blood and flesh
Give me thy precious soul to seize
Take me, bite me, let my blood out
Let her drip on my breasts, scarlet and white
Put Thy hands on my throat and take my life
Left nothing after me
But white roses stained with blood
There's nothing I can give you
I can only take your body
I don't want thee in my life
I just care about your blood
Please, don't leave me here alone
I gave you all I had
You're my master
Only reason I'm still alive
Than die!
In the darkness I can see your face
You are master of my nights
I though I am the chosen one
Mistress of your dreams
You're just temptress dressed in black
I don't accept your love
Now it's your fate to be my slave
You existed for my pleasure
And for my pleasure you'll die
Sweet sacrifice
Last act for your master
I want to see
Your filthy, bloody inside
Upon my feet
That's my will
There's nothing I can give you
I can only take your life
I don't want thee anymore
I just care about your blood
Please, don't send me there alone
I gave you all I had
You're my master
Only reason I'll die