Schysma migdal

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Was I in mistake when I tried to know?
There was no intent to oust him from the throne.
No, it was against worse ignorance
Ohh I just wanna raise my knowledge
I feel that I wanna reach God
and the fiend can now lead
my conscience to construe
I feel that I possess the sooth
of this stairway to heaven
and I know
the damage is done!
Help me to build it
Help me to build the tower...
Let's go bring me there...
I know how
I feel that I wanna reach God
and the fiend can now lead
my conscience to construe
I feel that I possess the sooth
of this stairway to heaven
and I know
the damage is done! Oh no!
and I feel that I'm going down
God now damned
my life for my crime
I feel that the ransom is close
and this stairway to heaven
hasn't kill
the chance to rise , I know!