SGT Dunson when you come home

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1st Verse
You dont know how it feels for me to not have you
Especially when I know its my faught that I dont have you
My life without you has been nothing but struggles
I pick myself up then fall back down I need my woman
I wrestle with myself back and fourth on my loss
Wondering will I ever be able to cover your cost
You were my boss my lietnanut General in Charge
You told me to stop being Onest and roll with the Sarg
when we were ripped apart I lost everything....
words can never explain how much you really mean
To hug you to kiss you what a wonderful Dream
I'd take everything back to have you with me
You left me physically but you never left in spirit
For the last pass years your voice I still be hearing
Every time I look up I still see you smiling in the kitchen
Just wishing on my computer staring at your pictures
Hoping You'll Come home
When you come home, I'll stop this
When you come home, I'll hide it good
I'll never cry again, when you..come me...
2nd Verse
Brandi you been gone For too long... Can come back
I know I really messed up ...I know you'll never forget
I'm sorry as shit I dont know how could I hurt my Queen
I cheated on your first Then... You Cheated on me
I cheated on Nik...... I Cheated On me....
I cheated on life was all I knew.... See
Dumb little me and I blame no one for my mistakes
I just pray that oneday you have mercy on me
That you'll see that we were meant to be together forever
Look through all these storms our love survived these weathers
Love another I'll never feel how I feel about you
And I know you feel the same way about me too
I dont want nothing without you .I'd much rather die
Whats living life without by myside
God Knows I've tried so hard to get you back
So I guess I'll see you in this life or in the next
WHen You come home
When you come home, I'll stop this
When you come home, I'll hide it good
I'll never cry again, when you..come me...
Ms. Dunson I'll Love you forever and ever.
Thank you For Standing by me
You stood by myside countless nights
while I was overseas
What A woman its takes to do something like that
I'm home baby .......I'm Finally home
NOw when will you come home