Sirus scumsucker

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this industry, reactionary
a fine line between ebb and flow
our economy, a black prophecy
its not who you are: its what you know
office politics, burn the heretics
step forward, prove your worth
corporate entity, flawless policy:
foundations on rotten earth
scumsucker work work work
harder, longer, faster
just remember- time is a factor,
and you're behind,
you're behind and there's no way out
work work work
harder, longer, faster
just remember- that you don't matter,
you don't matter to them
and what's good for them is good for us
and what's good for us is good for me
and what's good for me is good for you
because you mean nothing
scumsucker too many days have passed since,
you felt alive
too long spent thinking back to,
other times
but the clouds that you see now,
will never fall away
you've stepped too far into
the thick and dark decay
they are the needle, and we are the flesh
we have a weakness, that they know best
printed in bold, from start to end
the little black numbers on our latest pay check
tell them all secrets, tell them all lies
get them to sign on the dotted grey line
cause they know nothing of your wretched deeds
oh you and your kin are a spineless breed