Sleaford Mods liveable shit

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So I got in this morning
and I went to the loo.
He walked out the cubical,
and it fucking stunk.
Every morning I get in and its
The same time
same trap
same stink
and it glides through the air
and by the time it's hit ye'
its been pacified by 10 yards of fresh air
Liveable shit
you put up with it
Liveable shit
you put up with it
and the narley fuckin' arseholes that gather
no balls to do anything apart from slither
Mixed in with knowlage and no localism.
Just fake accent nicked from someone posh
they might have met in Shoreditch
A vegitarian vet?
Lou fucking Reid,
G.G fucking Allen.
Gestures of violence to anyone
who can't see or hear them
that kind of prick,
that kind of shit
liveable shit,
like 3 months of rain
nobody likes a fucking tory reign.
The prime minsiters face hanging in the clouds
like Gary Almonds' Dracular
as Keanu Reeves drove up to the fucking castle,
laughing really badly,
like the gears on a bus if you sat at the back
next to a noisy twat
St. Georges flag twat,
Liveable shit,
liveable shit
you put up
with it,
liveable shit
you put up with it
you put up with it
you put up with it
you put up with it
put up with it.
so now i don't dream of anything
i just wait for it to turn up,
It's the athmosphere around here,
chop me legs of look
made me lazy
made me worry about the streets behind me
Trees like triffits
no time
the grass is always greener on the other side.
Break on fruit
end up in a posh cemetry in Paris
It's not bad.
You fuckin'
liveable shit
(was that any good?)
Liveable shit
you put up with it
Liveable shit
you put up with it
you put up with it
you put up with it
you put up with it.