Smart Songs bill of rights

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Well the constitution took days and nights,
but the writers still had to go look at it twice
Cus the states that reviewed it said
Here's some advice:
It should guarantee freedom,
Yeah that would be nice
So the founders said alright,
wrote the bill of rights
Yup, the first 10 amdendments are the Bill of Rights
Well the Constitution took days and nights
but the writers still had to go look at it twice,
Cus the people reveiwed it, said
Here's some advice:
It should guarantee freedom,
Yeah, that would be nice
So the founders said alright,
wrote the Bill of Rights
Yup, the first 10 amendments are the Bill of Rights
Number 1 says we can worship as we please;
We can have meetings, large assemblies;
We can write what we want,
its called the freedom of Press;
What we feel, we can say outloud;
We can express
Concerned about securing your house and your farm
Through Amendment 2, you have the right to bear arms
In order to be free,
do you get the picture?
Each state has the right to from its own militia
Number 3 says no soldiers in homes
The government can't just force you to loan,
your own private house so their soldiers can sleep,
especially not in times of peace
The 4th Amendment is sure to get applause,
No searches or seizures without probable cause
but when there is belief that a crime has been done,
A warrent can be warded (to) them to search someone,
Then on to the 5th Amendment
No need to tell the government things that can send you to jail;
You can not be accused of the same crime twice
That would put you in a double jeopardy,
it's not right!
Oh, the constitution took days and nights,
but the writers still had to go look at it twice
Cus the states that reviewed it said
Here's some advice:
It should guarantee freedom,
Yeah that would be nice
So the founders said alright,
wrote the Bill of Rights
Yup, the first 10 amdendments are the Bill of Rights
Well the Constitution took days and nights
but the writers still had to go look at it twice,
Cus the people reveiwed it, said
Here's some advice:
It should guarantee freedom,
Yeah, that would be nice
So the founders said alright,
wrote the Bill of Rights
Yup, the first 10 amendments are the Bill of Rights
Number 6 gives 6 rights to the accused,
like the right to know which law you might have abused;
it gives the right to a fair and public trial;
your own defense counsel
you know there's no denial
I'll tell you 7, it's simple, when the trial is civil,
meaning that no one in the dispute is a criminal, you can ask for a jury.
In these cases too
Usually they're over money,
Somebody wants to sue
For the 8th amendment, we compliment our government, they won't allow cruel or unusual punishment.
Face the judge's hammer, and end up in the slammer.
You wont pay excessive bail, in any given manner.
The rights that we have says Amendment 9,
can not be confined to those written lines.
Just because the freedom isn't here on this list,
the government can not say it does not exist
What was meant with the 10th was written,
The government only has the power it was given.
In order to be equal, power not listed in the constitution shall be given to the people.
Oh, the constitution took days and nights,
but the writers still had to go look at it twice
Cus the states that reviewed it said
Here's some advice:
It should guarantee freedom,
Yeah that would be nice
So the founders said alright,
wrote the Bill of Rights
Yup, the first 10 amdendments are the Bill of Rights
Well the Constitution took days and nights
but the writers still had to go look at it twice,
Cus the people reveiwed it, said
Here's some advice:
It should guarantee freedom,
Yeah, that would be nice
So the founders said alright,
wrote the Bill of Rights
Yup, the first 10 amendments are the Bill of Rights
The Bill of Rights, the Bill of Right
Yeah, the first 10 Amendment are the Bill of Rights
The Bill of Rights, the Bill of Right
Yeah, the first 10 Amendment are the Bill of Rights
The Bill of Rights, the Bill of Right
Yeah, the first 10 Amendment are the Bill of Rights
The Bill of Rights