So Many Dynamos seriously now

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I'm not trying to kill your mood
I'm not trying to steal attention yet
But nothing's getting through to you
And don't you know that condescending is so in right now
So it seems we're incomplete
We are songs with no sound
So it seems the ship has sailed
But the captain's left town
It's not improbable, just plain impossible.
I can't take you seriously now.
I'm not trying to break routine
Predictability is the new black
Just know that painting these four walls green
Won't keep us from collapsing under our own weight
So it seems uniteresting
This repetition's got me down
So it seems the ship has sailed
But the passengers drowned
It's not improbable, just plain impossible.
I can't take you seriously now.
So I'm pulling the anchor up
And throwing the white flag at your feet
And you can raise yours at half mast
But don't think that that will mean a thing to me