Sorhin svartvintras

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Winter night, so cold
And eternally gloomy
Take me away on frosty wings
Winter forest, so dark
And eternally sad
Take me to the heart of the kingdom of death< br/>In an era where darkness shines so mighty
Where snow falls Densely
And covers the ground's frozen earth
In an era where shadows never wake
Where the horizon shines black
And sorrow drowns joy
Winter wind, so strong
And piercing
Come take me away
Winter sleep, so deep
And mighty
Rock me in the arms of death
In an era where the night will never dawn
Where Angels' wings forever freeze
And they are out of the light
In an era where the sky's height is low< br/>WHERE THE DARKNESS NEEDS DEEP
The night falls through my frozen soul
Deep within me I hear its call
I depart from my body, satisfied and strong
Dressed in death's cloak so black
All flourishing life as ashes are blown away
With a sweep of wings, life in ruins fall
All our pain Is now for you made
Pain that never there, pain that pierces deep
Until death takes you all
Companions of the false weak prophet
Who gave us all loathing and loathing
Your lives will soon meet their course
Wherever you try to hide, death you see
Knives will pierce your weak hearts
And the life he is said to have created will flee in fear
All our pain is now done for you
Pain that never ends, pain that pierces deep
Until death takes you all
We shade the sun with our hate
Hate that makes flowers wither
No Peace, No Return
Death devours your souls, white slaves of sin
What was once a Christian life
Now deep in the earth is hidden