Soul Low tied in knots

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Don't get tied in knots trying to be popular cuz youre not
You look so good online but in life you're behind
You waste the week away but come Saturday night you like to peel away
Hit the liquor store, lock the doors, stay inside
It's alright, I don't care
I get it, I've been there
Cuz I've been stufk inside ignoring all the signs
It happens everywhere, what seems like every time
So don't get tied in knots trying to live longer dude cuz you're not
You look so good online but in life you will die
You waste your life away but come Saturday night you're feeling pretty okay
Hit the liquor store, lock the doors stay awake
It's alright, I don't care
I get it, I've been there
It's easy, believe me
It's harder to meet me
But I've been stuck inside ignoring all the signs
It happens everywhere, what seems like every time I try