Speech the simple love of life

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We've all been burnt by the world
our buildings stand tall as technology swirls
where's our passion for life?
racisms got me down
sexisms all around
stealing all our joy
who's behind this ploy?
What ever happened to just the simple love of life?
Situations have got us so mad
didn't turn out the way we wish that they had
road rage
pulling in front of my car
ain't none of us going far
like we got somewhere different to go
life my lot ain't deep as yours
What ever happened to just the simple love of life?
Mr. policeman I got robbed
I said I just got robbed of my love for everyone
I'm tired of being alone
when every second there's some one else that's being born
Isse that homeless man I won't step to lend him a hand
I see that hungry kid but I let down my eyelids
I see my lids
now what ever happened to the love of life?
we've been sent to love
we've been sent to heal
we've been sent to live our lives in harmony
and we've bee sent here to build