Sportfreunde Stiller eine hymne auf dich

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Hey hey, mei mei
Self-criticism will never die.
But you're already hunched over,
almost crushed by many doubts.
You're for it in the truest sense
lots of rocks and lifebuoys.
So get out of the shadows and into the light
A little celebration doesn't hurt.
You are you and I am me
Everyone here has their own face< br/>sing occasionally
a hymn to yourself.
Hurray, hurrah, who am I?
Question marks above your head
even looking for yourself,
You give wings to the whole mop.
You shyly stand at the back
and push so many things from there.
So get out of the shadows and into the light
Celebrate yourself a little doesn't hurt.
You are you and I am me
Everyone here has their own face
Sing occasionally
a hymn to you.
sing but occasionally
a hymn to you.