StarKid Productions naked in a lake

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(Father: Well gang, we make it to Oregon in one piece, but more importantly...
All: We're rich!
Son: And you know what that means!)
Come on buddy, the water's just right
So come on buddy, let's have a water fight
Splashy, splashy, there's nothing more fun
Then dropping trou' and getting some sun
You can skinny if you're fat or old
Put Marco Polo in a wrestling hold
All your problems wash away
When you're naked,
Yeah you're naked in a lake
(Come on guys, it's super warm!
Dad: Oh, I don't know about this!)
Everybody jump in, come and splash around
Feel the water between your toes
Everybody swim, take a mini vacay
Wearing only your birthday clothes
I promise I won't judge if you've got freckles or some pudge
Cuz there's just one way to spend the rest of the day
Getting naked
Yeak let's get naked, get naked in a lake
Naked in a lake (Naked in a lake)
Naked in a - we're naked in a lake
Come on, Mouthface, I know you want to
Mouthface: I can finally lose this dress! Whee!
Son: Come on Grandpa, water's good for you
Grandpa: I beat you to it, my diaper's wet!
Son: It's nothing super sexual
Cuz the act is nothing actual
It's time to free you little guy and let him play
And have the time of your life starting today
Everybody jump in, come and splash around
Feel your body jingle jangle
Everybody's got fins and it's super cool
When you're taking off your sandals
If life ever gets you stressed,
Just find some woods and take a bath
And get naked, yeah!
Let's get naked in a lake
Let's get naked, yeah!
Let's get naked in a lake
Mouthface: They did it in Ancient Rome
Grandpa: It's everybody's oldest story
Mother: You can even do it alone
Ox: Just you and all your glory!
Son: Everybody come out, try and dunk you head
See how long you can hold your breath
You can even use toys,
like a floating raft with a sexual orgy fest
You can do it in the dark,
But it's way better when you see your parts
Mouthface: And I wouldn't have it any other way
Being naked, yeah super naked,
We're naked in a lake
Naked in a lake
We're naked in a lake
Naked in a lake
We're naked in a lake
We are rich in Oregich
Father: But who cares, cuz we're naked,
Yeah we're naked in a lake
(Father: Alright, kids, go pick out your favorite stretch of land.
Son: What about you Dad?
Father: I'm right behind you.)
Mother: C'mon Buddy, the water's just right...
(Father: I'll be right there Honey)