Stephen Shutters whisper

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Passing through the slums of the city
I see a young girl, and my heart reaches out
She tortures her body and has sex for a living
And though numerous her lovers
Love is a thing she knows nothing about
Mother somehwere with plenty of needles
Father could be almost anyone
Her past is no secret, her future in shambles
If she picked herself up, there'd be nowhere to run
And she just thinks that
Love is a whisper
It comes quick, then it dies
It gives no greetings and leaves no goodbyes
Love is no healer
It just bleeds you dry
Love cannot hold up
'Cause love is a lie
He looks beyond the metropolis skyline
Reminiscing through tears the days amiss
Way back when her mouth spewed forth no lies
But could lift a heavy heart
And cast off his burdens with a sincere kiss
Like bricks hurled through a stained glass window
Reality shatters the memories
Without a care, she lets him know
The numerous affairs with men more her liking
And she just thinks that
Love is a whisper
It comes quick, then it dies
It gives no greetings and leaves no goodbyes
Love is no healer
It just bleeds you dry
Love cannot hold up
'Cause love is a lie
But there is a Love who loves like no other
And if you'll accept Him, you'll know Love forever
All this time, as clear as could be
He was right there in front of you
But you just couldn't see
That Love is a whisper
Who quiets the cries
And though He may seem gone
He never does die
Love will fill you up
When you're bleeding dry
Love will hold you up
Love is alive