Steve Aoki heartbreaker feat lovefoxxx metalmouse remix

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In the corner of my eye
I can see you looking fine and dandy
i know you're playing it cool
You can see I'm not a fool
I might be
In the corner of my eye
I can see you looking fine and dandy
i know you're playing it cool
You can see I'm not a fool
I might be
Don't you want to run with me and shed that foreskin
come with me, come with me
Won't you let me be your heartbreaker
Silly me and silly you
Silly for not speaking the truth
What else in the world could we ever do
Pther than what we really want to
I can see it in your eyes you stay and stare
No truth or dare
I like to believe I know what you're thinking
Something I like I can hear you thought dripping
dripping, drippin, drippin...
Would you let me be your heartbreaker
Boy meets girl in a rock show
Holding hands of whom, you don't know
Get ready to implode the only heart you own
Get ready to implode the only heart you know
repeat x2
Won't you let me be your heartbreaker