Stick Against Stone the cosmic spy from turkestan

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There was a man a long time ago
He was a guide for all humanity
The Cosmic Spy from Turkistan
The Cosmic Spy from Turkistan
He said I'll learn all that I can
From Tibet to Africa
Sacred Dance
Sacred Dance
There was a man a long time ago
Misunderstanding and repression made him low-key
The Cosmic Spy from Turkistan
The Cosmic Spy from Turkistan
He said Life is Real only then When I Am
From Russia to England
Stayed in France
Stayed in France
He had a bunch of pals like Ouspensky and J. G.
He made the students for humanity
The Cosmic Spy from Turkistan
The Cosmic Spy from Turkistan
He said I'll teach all that I can
Free yourself
Free yourself
Work and Fast
Kill Your Past