Stonedirt counter poison

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the whole machine is rotting from the inside
while the shiny outfit still attracts the teens
it's all fucked up for a long time now
it's all more glittering and blank than it used to be
it's all fucked up!
they cover every product with their sweet syrup
but we know it's toxic and makes the core corrode
I hate this and don't know how we can ever change this
a trendy business built around the sophomoric
I am the counter-poison
my fist is the only way to educate
tried to change spoilt tastes - but it's all in vain
the counter-poison
(is) destroying you with full hate
pain you all shall taste
until nothing of yourcheesy shit remains
there's nothing we can do but to remain true
embrace the old and keep the mineralized virtue
stay in the deep dark ignoring the glittering waves
time will eradicate what's on the surface