Sunrise Skater Kids feat. Johnny Franck trigger warning

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good vibes, not bad ones in the first place
I will never leave my safe place
a couple of weeks go by
she is always super angry
she doesn't think the same
As a normal feminist
I began to understand a lot
about all these things
men deserve to die because of
the patriarchy
I say, this sounds something exaggerated but lo hare as you say
she says rubbish! as the you dare a dude of mi logic!
(I guess you are right)
in the sun, I have never felt happier
with my friends, there is always joy around
good vibes, not bad ones in the first place
I'm never going to leave my safe place
walking down the street
I look right at this girl
she's damn sexy
let's make sure she knows it
br/>(what did you just say)
(it was a... it was a whistle)
(did you just oppress my girlfriend in front of me?)
you cisgender, hyper privileged bigot
(oh man! yoy! no, no! stop!
(please help me)
this is the end of you
rot in hell you classist perverse-humiliator
drown in your words and throw yourself into a burning oven
perpetuator of cisgender supremacy
your normative man, closed-minded rapist
go play in traffic
/>(look man, take it easy)
(man? did you just assume my gender?)
(oh god! please!)
take care of your micro-aggressions
I have been provoked, blegh: v
illusory, chauvinist,
nomative-binary, stigmatizer of transvestism, homophobe
small-privileged, sympathizer of rape-culture, kiriarkysta hyper masculine
recognize the fox-kin
(in conclusion, I hope you die)
(what do these words mean?)
(okay, where are we?)
in the sun, I never I have felt happier
with my friends, there is always joy around
good vibes, not bad ones in the first place
I will never leave my safe place