Tammy Wynette dallas

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Dallas, I'll be comin' home, it won't be very long
Don't let them close your roads till I get back
My daddy thinks I'm gone for good, but mama, she knows better
Dallas, I'll be comin' home to you
You couldn't understand that night why I packed up and left you
You knew I wouldn't find it way out here
These city lights of Tulsa make me lonesome for you, Dallas
Dallas, I'll be comin' home to you
Please take care of my baby, now you know I love him, Dallas
I wouldn't leave him with anyone but you
The plane leaves in the mornin' and it's headin' straight to Dallas
Dallas, I'll be comin' home to you
Take care of my baby, now you know I love him, Dallas
I wouldn't leave him with anyone but you
The plane leaves in the mornin' and it's headin' straight to Dallas
Dallas, I'll be comin' home to you