The Last Hangmen the abolition of acquittal

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Wandering through storms of sorrow
Every muscle burns as hell
Escaping from my misery
Nothing left, only regrets
Where did i chose the wrong path?
How did i get here?
All my beliefs were shattered
Revealing all my fears
Memories never let go
Times fade them away
I keep on fighting
But all i do seems in vain
Maybe i'm stuck on this road
Filled with shitloads of pain
If i carry on
This will drive me insane
Rain cuts through my bones
I'm struggling hard
For every single step i take
My universe is still collapsing
Never able to repay my dept
Who am i really serving?
I'm not the lord of my own mind
All those thoughts were planted in me
How could i've been so blind?
I have to fight so many demons
To get rid of all this shit
Make this final cut
A nice and clean reset
Questioning my ideology
Guilt heavier than lead
Revealing deeply buried truth
A curtain's falling in my head
I have to fight so many demons
To get rid of all this shit
Make this final cut
A nice and clean reset
A fresh new start from my ground zero
Is what i'm heading for
Abandoning my past
Forever close this cursed door
My past forever closed this door!