The Lonesome Sisters blackbird

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Blackbird she's flying an old dusty road
she follows her heart, a promise of gold
who lights her way one star at a time?
where will she sleep tonight?
Day is long, river's wide
I'll empty my pockets on the other side
Rock-a-bye baby how sweet the night
Rock-a-bye, rock-a-bye
Over the mountains angels do sing
Stories they tell of how they got their wings
I hear their voices line after line
Or is it the wind in the pine?
Day is long, river's wide
I'll empty my pockets on the other side
Rock-a-bye baby how sweet the night
Rock-a-bye, rock-a-bye
Just like the blackbird, one beautiful day
Heaven will call me to come fly away
Who'll light my way one star at a time?
Where will I sleep that night?
Day is long, river's wide
I'll empty my pockets on the other side
Rock-a-bye baby how sweet the night
Rock-a-bye, rock-a-bye