The Seventh Cross this cross on which i hang

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Our Run For Freedom Has Been Denied.
Now Onto My Final Resting Place,
To Waste Away With My Brothers,
Just A Token For These Captors.
But The One Sign Og Hope Still Gleams Amongst The Enslaved,
A Symbol So Strong It Cannot Be Broken.
This Cross On Which I Hang,
A Legacy To These Times Run My Friend.
Let This Not Be In Vain,
For The Freedom Of One Man,
Can Set A Thousand Minds Free.
Broken And Left To Die,
Why Was Such Atred Allowed To Infest?
The Truth Shall Emerge For All To See,
But Will The Lesson Ever Be Learned?
The Run For Freedom Has Been Denied.
Now Onto My Final Resting Place,
To Waste Away With My Brothers.
Just A Token For These Captors,
Let This Not... Be In Vain...
Its Time To Fight!
This Cross On Which I Hang,
A Legacy To These Times,
Pale Skies Never Seemed So Beautiful