The Stupendium a matter of facts

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JT set a challenge, I'm here to answer it
You want facts? Boy, well you asked for it
I'm gonna give you some trivia mastery
And put the facts on blast 'till class dismissed
It's the truth, ain't no party trick
I'm bringing facts to the web like Encarta did
So get your notebooks out, you can quote the track
It's not a trivial pursuit, it's a matter of facts
Please have your pen and paper ready
The facts will commence in three, two, one, facts
Black-thighed falconet, world's smallest bird of prey
Giraffes' necks may be long but only seven vertebrae
That's the same as you wound find in anybody, you or me
But can you eat 75LB of leaves a day?
The opposite of deja seen is never vu
It's when something familiar feels strangely new
A smilodon is what you'd really call a sabre tooth,
and they were nothing like tigers, to say the truth
A reindeer's eyes go through a range of hues
They're gold but in the winter changes to blue
There are more hats in Team Fortress 2
than there are real forts in the whole E.U.
Fort Boyard took fifty-six years to complete
so by the time it was built forts were obsolete
But since the nineties you will find it's been in use constantly
As a setting of a gameshow on TV
That's the sound of a Honda for Indy's boulder dash
No one really knows the etymology of boulderdash
Escobar had so much gold to stash
He spent thousands on rubber bands just to roll the cash
A group of jellyfish is called a smack
A safety helmet is the purpose of the bowler hat
You don't feel pain if you're a naked mole rat
Thirty-nine is the record for the oldest cat
Buckle up, this one's a little morbid
In the 50's, laugh tracks were recorded so if a new show has a
canned laugh audience there's a good chance the laughers are all dead
There's no letter B until you get up to a billion
An ice-cream tester had his tongue insured for millions.
Ninety-nine zeroes in a duotrigintillion
Ninety-nine sides in an enneacontakaienneagon
Anually we make seven billion zips to dot an i is a tittle
On a die it's a pip
Tommy Cooper died live in the middle of a quip
But my granddad once thought him how to build a ship
J is the only letter that is not in any element
The White House got power when Harrison was president
But he never touched the switches, he was scared of them
Relevant, Thomas Edison killed an elephant
There was no electricity in Ethopia
until 1896 when the emperor ordered a brand new electric chair
And realised he couldn't plug it in anywhere
The world's first batteries may have been Roman
Three percent of all the world's cheese gets stolen
Figs use wasps to spread their pollen but the
wasps get trapped and the figs dissolves them
A strawberry is not a berry, in any way
But bananas are and share half of all our DNA
The first fruit eaten on the moon was canned peaches
From canned peaches on to grand speeches
We will fight them on the beaches! Great speech, can't be debated
Except the fact that Winston Churchill never really made it
Yeah, he wrote it and performed it for the government of course
But the version that you've heard was made years after the war
He was Dippy Dawg before he was Goofy
Scarecrows were once called Hobbidy-Boobies
Jordan and bugs once advertised shoes
These ads got so popular they went and made a movie
Green screen makes VFX a dream
But did you know that long ago they used a yellow screen?
Special sodium lamps on a plain white fill make
a certain shade of yellow that's invisible on film
In Disney's Merry Poppins,
Merry Poppins has 'Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious'
Backwards is 'dociousaliexpilisticfragicalirupes'
But that's just the ciderble traversed
Letter for letter is 'Suoicodilaipxecitsiligarfilacrepus'
And if you think I'm saying that on
the beach, you're mad, and that's a fact
There are more ways to stack a deck
of cards than the galaxy has stars.
And each year we eat so much Nutella that you could
span the Great Wall of China with the jars (8 times!)
Coca-Cola sell so many drinks worldwide
that measuring profit just won't suffice
So 'share a throat' is a scale they devised for
the percentage of humanity's hydration they provide
Memetics is 'the study of shared ideas'
And it's where the word meme first appeared
Johnny Cash was a radio engineer and
when Stalin died he was the first to hear
In the world there are less flamingos than plastic ones on lawns
The man who invented the tube for Pringles had his ashes buried in one
Every second five thousands statues are updated
Four thousand brand new stars are created
Every single second takes hours when animated
So I'm gonna stop now or I'll never ever make it
If you set a challenge I'm bound to react
JT, this has been my counterattack
If you saw it through, have a pat on the back
It's not a trivial pursuit, it's a matter of facts.