The Traceelords sex money rock n roll

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I wanna live my life the way I think it's right
I wanna have some fun, Each and every night /
If you don't like it go away, don't waste my time
Even if you think my attitude, ain't worth a dime /
Just gimme
Sex, Money, Rock 'n' Roll
Crazy muthatrucks to the leftand to the right
I'm out to kill, I'm hunting you, I want you by my side /
Love me, hate me, that's alright, but don't try to ignore
I'm here to stay and you will go, you're such a bore /
Sex, Money, Rock 'n' Roll
If you don't like it go away, don't waste my time
When Skid Row reunite I'll be the very first in line
Just gimme
Sex, Money, Rock 'n' Rol