Thrall aokigahara jukai

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Aokigahara Jukai 青木ヶ原 海
In the trees
Blue pervades
Beneath the fog
In Earth’s maggot-womb
These gnarled roots
Like knots of hair
Ensnare and blind
To feed the trees
In this suffocating darkness
I can no longer tell
Where my body ends and the forest
Strangled in the black roots
Drawn down
Into the hungry dirt
Those who before me
Perished here
Worm and pest made palaces
Of their bones
Those who stray
From the well-lit path
Suckle the black milk
Of death’s harvest
Bodies on dank earth
Silver in the moonlight
In this suffocating darkness
I can no longer tell
Where my body ends and the forest
Strangled in the black roots
Drawn down
Into the hungry dirt
Web of contempt
Wrought in barb and thorn
Worm and pest made palaces
Of their bones
The trees are bathed in blood
Well-hidden and death-ridden
Take the rope
Leap into the void
Take the knife
Slash sentience away
There is no escape
No hope in sight
This is the end
Tonight we die