Tim Hus craigellachie

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On a misty November morning back in 1885
A crowd of men were gathered down on the railroad ties
Thirty miles West of Revelstoke on that famous site
Donald A. Smith drove the last spike
And the called it Craigellachie
Three thousand miles from sea to sea
And the called it Craigellachie
On that day in history
B.C. joined Confederation and a promise it was made
The Canadian Pacific would build a railway
Through timberland and prairie the iron rails would reach
Port Moody on the Pacific to the St. Laurence in the East
Rogers found a mountain pass in fourty feet of snow
And the trestles crossed the rapids in the valley far below
Ten thousand men laying rail on a road of sweat and blood
And how many lost their lives in slides of rock and mud?
They said to build this railroad would take ten years to do
But in four-and-one-half years, you know, the dream it had come true
Thirty miles West of Revelstoke on that famous site
Donald A. Smith drove the last spike