Tree Adams & Julia Dominczak take a life with me grounder anthem

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Yumi na teik won sonraun au?
(And will you take a life with me?)
Medo ste thonken
(A body's hollow)
Medo drein au
(A body bleeds)
Oso kik raun
(We live as one)
Ogeda, soulou
(We live alone)
Ai laik yu gona
(I am your soldier!)
Ai na get raun, you
(I will atone)
Yumi na teik won sonraun au?
(And will you take a life with me?)
Ai keryon gyon op
(My soul moves on)
Ai keryon g' breik au
(My soul is freed)
Pas skaikrasha
(After the storm)
Klin tristraka
(A lightning crash)
En houd don gon
(With all the world)
Hosh trashsaka
(Reduced to ash)
Yumi na teik won sonraun au?
(And will you take a life with me?)
Houd na fleim daun
(This world will burn)
Bed' ge jok au
(Save what you need)
Ai nou fir raun
(I am fearless)
Ai mana jomp in
(I aim to fight)
Ai mana wan op
(I aim to die)
Ai don sin y'in
(You're in my sight)
Yumi na teik won sonraun au?
(And will you take a life with me?)
Jus drein jus daun
(Blood must have blood)
Ai medo drein au
(My body bleeds)