Tryo les extremes

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To the left ? To the right ? Nothing!
You will have to look around as you pass by
before charging headlong straight ahead
Welcome citizen here is the state monster
who will make your nation your country its policy
My poor mind, here you are catapulted
in the middle of the polls and the television news
Overdose of scoundrels drowned in their ramage
But where do you fit into this whole landscape?
But when empire of the worst
in the heart of your city
Will begin to dry the human soul at the bottom of its attic
I know that you will take your convictions in hand
Building a base to feel like a citizen
But the extremes are you
It's you when you don't vote!
Welcome electoral novice
no time to go 'register, forgotten!
too much work
Where one of these moral principles was erected
to feel like a citizen and to refuse to go into battle
They must rejoice
invading the sinews of war
collecting the votes
from the bourgeoisie to the farmer!
You cannot imagine
the power that you are !
History is you, history is you who make it!
So you take to the streets to fight the brown plague
You who have never taken the path to the polls
It's time to brandish your convictions
Building a foundation to feel like a citizen
But the extremes are you! It's you when you don't vote
But the extremes are you
No desire, time to make your voice heard
Mobilize yourself to be part of the landscape
Overdose of scoundrels Where to drown in all that!
At least you know that you want to be a stone in the dam
So you take to the streets to fight the brown plague
You who have never taken the path to the polls
It's time to brandish your convictions
Building a foundation to feel like a citizen...
To the left? To the right ? Nothing!