Unwoman duplicity

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When it comes time to confess this duplicity
Will I say that that is not the real me?
The seduced and romantic girl is
Not the opposing nature I hide
You should be afraid of this un-needing side
Right now I don't need you at all
And I am planning to take complete control
Never fearing solitude
I see her future leading armies
Conquering the world easily
This self knows you are the biggest threat
To subsume my passions, to subtly dominate
To call out the part of me that needs completion
To make me her-as-object
Part of a pair, inextricably linked
If I didn't have someone like you
Would I spend all my time wanting it?
Because this honesty compels me to say
I don't quite want it now that it's mine
I will fight for my rights to her body
To her time and her ability to speak
I don't want to say what we had was deception --
She believed every minute
As I stood by, waiting for my chance to end it