Varien feat. Cassandra Kay valkyrie ii lacuna feat cassandra kay

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Monsters live inside our souls
Waiting to come alive
Turning our hearts cold
My blood is black
It seeps through the cracks
If I could take it back
If I could
Fighting love that runs through our veins
Is an empty space
Alone again
I hear you cry
Every night
In my dreams
I'll take it back
My Valkyrie
I'll bring you home
I won't lose hope
I will bleed
All of me
To set you free
Dagger deep
Blood ran over me
Every melody you ever sung to me
Floods my memory
I can't breathe
I vow to right this wrong
I promise here and now
I've loved you all along
I threw away my crown
I lost my sanity
Hear my keen
I'll bring you back
My Valkyrie
You're coming home
Never lost hope
I will bleed
All of me
To set you free