Various Artists wir wollen sndigen

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Various Artists
Little Asshole Soundtrack
We Want to Sin
Allow? My name is Satan! Already sinned today?
I'm Satan, baby, I want to fry you, baby
It's 100 degrees here, baby, so don't dress too warmly, baby
Now what for you? The best thing would be a small sin
Sin, we want to sin,
Announce to heaven, and only sin again
And roast here for eternity for our deeds
One calls me Leviatan, baby, but just call me Satan, baby
You're my new rooster, baby, so don't dress too warmly, baby
What would suit you best now would be a small sin
Sin, we want to sin,
Announce to heaven, and only sin anymore
I'm a little asshole, baby, a little devil, baby
You're my new rooster, baby , so don't dress too warmly, baby
What would be best for you now would be a little sin
Sin, we want to sin,
Tell heaven, and only sin again< br/>Sin, we want to sin,
tell heaven, and only sin anymore
Well, what is it? No sparklers?