Verb T luke warm buzz

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I hit the earth left a creator / the desecrator, I gets the paper, and put the ink on it / my mind, my heart and my soul / I'm ice cold, throwing knives in a blindfold / I'm bipolar you fools are bi-curious / by Jove my shit's dope so buy more of it / before I leave you all hanging like an ornament / and slump you in the corner while I order in a take away / wack producers better stay away / you will not catch me tryna serve steak on a paper plate / big up my label mates, I've had so many / and you could never take my mediocre sales away / my luke warm buzz is unrivalled, my mind starts to unhinge and slip into a dumb spiral / that is some cycle / I'm in the tour de France hauling ass / with a jet pack on roaring past / without a helmet or a mask, I wiped my nuts on the ice that's sitting in your water glass / (thats a par) man shut the fuck up ypu dumb fucks....
I'm twisted like crack smoke / broker than a bad joke / tryna broker new deals associates are mad though / or maybe mad broke / test driving new wheels, wonder how your crew feels? / new deal? no we aren't happy / is that the future or is somebody mirroring the past at me / who could that be? snapping like the paparazzi / I'll rip your arm off and use the shit to flag a taxi / got a mile long rap sheet / coulda been a scientist, coulda been an athlete / but no an emcee, god damn waste of life / take the mic - abbreviation, thats a way of life / wave the white flag man cos it's over now / no more living for myself I'm a soldier now