Vlad Tepes frozen dead s kingdom rehearsal

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Beyond the winter - dead's kingdom
Behind the inimical obscurity
Just at the end of the cursed forest
I go with ferocity…
Eternal running - In the cold winter.
The unhealthy wind of north
The hatred in my spirit I go
In the coldness of a funeral night
The cuttered cold of Darkness.
In the moral Chaos
When the dream & hell's arm came
Unknown world of the iced lake
Full moon lights the crackled way.
Eternal running - In the cold winter.
Madness watches me now
Cold is dead's kingdom
Dry is the wind which blows
Powerful are the kingdom's voices
Dead are my eyes - I continue…
… Infinite is our kingdom
Unknown it must stay
The hatred wind of our kingdom is so fearful
Feel it transform you into black ice!!!