VooDoo Terror Tribe deviancy amplification spiral d a s

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The fearsome flow of free information
Can travel at the speed of light
The glow of all this golden commotion
Will keep the neighbors up at night.
Ride the tide of wide media-ocracy
And put some pampers on your pride
Now the demons of digital democracy
Walk the streets without a damned thing to hide
Rumors in the sky
Panic in Hi Fi
Truth is even truer when implied.
Havoc in the hive
I wanna be ringside
Wanna wipe the whiteout worldwide.
Sheets of tweaker-tweet-double-speak
I, we're just another cog in the crowd
Oral panic on the Satanic Titanic
The Spiral starts to spin out loud.
Some fools were born, born to wear the tag
Of the Red, White and Blue
And when the band plays, Hail to the Thief
Ooo, they point the camera right at you!
Rumors in the sky
Panic in Hi Fi
Truth is even truer when implied.
Havoc in the hive
I wanna be ringside
Wanna wipe the whiteout worldwide.
Rumors in the sky
Panic in Hi Fi
Proof is even smoother when we lie.
Havoc in the hive
I wanna be ringside
Spread the Scuttlebuttfuck worldwide…