Vreid fangegard

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It came like a lightning strike, went like an avalanche
The time it hit us
The overwhelming multitude
Now it goes slowly - Spring again
And Norway is a prison
Kvar Norwegian is a prisoner
Invisible barbed wire tight in tight
Strung out in a forked web
About steps, about words, about thoughts
Yes, you can be stuck for a day
If only your heartbeats
For open-hearted beatings
Every Norwegian is in captivity
For those who have lost honor
Bought freedom from the tyrant
Is not a Norwegian anymore,
But myself
A watchman
Or a watchman's slave
With the slave's sign in his forehead
But they must be remembered - Become a sum
Which rests in us, heavy and mute
And well can overpower
Learn a brave foot to walk,
But age Norwegian hearts to beat
In this prison pace