We Butter The Bread With Butter meine brille

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I recently bought myself a pair of glasses,
now I look like a student,
oh yes, women love that!
Oh baby, baby, how good you smell!
/>The other day you ignored me
As soon as I got glasses,
I received love.
I received love,
Nothing happened before that.
Are you real or a dream?
You can never trust rose-colored glasses [2x]
I recently bought myself a pair of glasses,
Now I look like a student
oh yes, women love that!
But the glass is now cracked,
I can't see you anymore.
I don't feel love anymore,
You have to understand that.
/>Oh baby baby you have to understand,
I don't feel love anymore,
That's why I'm letting you go.
I recently bought myself a pair of glasses,
Now I look like that a student
oh yes women love that!
Are you real or a dream?
You can never trust rose-colored glasses [2x]