Weapon furor divinus

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Beyond walls of constricted time, I met The Grand Devourer.
Lava flowing, Saturn (in) motion; transfixed Naga tantra.
Promethean Fire was granted to me in a vision of absolution!
In the crimson miasma I caught a glimpse of Rudra.
At His feet three hundred corpses, One with Bhairava.
Trishul and chalice in hand, He bid me to the pyre.
Rudra - Shiva!
Rudra - Shiva!
Bhakta - Shava!
Atma - Shava!
Naga Mantra!
Lava Mantra!
Behold, Ye - Furor Divinus!
Thus I rode the wave of Leviathan in stormy seas Above; Summoned the will to descend through the hidden caves Below: Icons, idols, countless ciphers bore witness to His grandeur!
By stellar excursion I saw the Truth beyond time Just as blind sages and mad poets hath told, Of utter dissolution; a caparison of abandon.
Rudra - Shiva!
Rudra - Shiva!
Bhakta - Shava!
Atma - Shava!
Naga Mantra!
Lava Mantra!
Behold, Ye - Furor Divinus!