Whyzdom eves last daughter

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Oh Eve behold the tears of your last daughter on earth
And pray for her children forever lost
She's walking through empty streets
Dragging her feet on the ground
Her stare meets nothing but death
Lifeless silhouettes all around
While smoke is shrouding the town
Flames are consuming her house
Ashes are filling the air
Leaving a taste of death in her mouth
Why did men wreak death on their brothers?
We built our own pyre
Oh Eve behold the tears of your last daughter on earth
Left alone in a world lain to waste
She prays and she cries
For her children forever lost
She's clinging to memories
Of happiness and hope
Laughters, distant and dull
Seem so far away in the past
And she can't see any light
Darkness swallowing her heart
Fallen from the Garden of Eden
Thrown down to vultures and to wolves
There's no one left here anymore
No one to save, no one to love