WolfSword thus spoke the wizard

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Hordes of chaos have come
Angered, wielding steel blades with power
They're all bloodthirsty
Hate in their eyes, they're bringing your doom
Drums of war,
Screams, loud warsongs of power
Barrels of fire,
Battering ram, storming the wall
The air raises its hackles
The winds scream death, fire and metal
A bright figure raises
On battlements craking fire and metal
Thus spoke the wizard
Light, columns of fire
Chains lightings of mystical power
Burning the flesh
And talking death to all
Feared units
Doomed, running away from the lava
And rains of fire
from the wizard unleashed might
The air raises its hackles
The winds scream death, fire and metal
A bright figure raises
On battlements craking fire and metal
Thus spoke the wizard
Thus spoke the wizard