Written in Torment eternities of suffering endured

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Eternities of suffering I hath endured
It gives me strength
Sinners repent, or be destroyed
Thrice tie the rope
Loss of all hope, my misery
Hatred unleashed
Dark gods appeased, give me the realm (of death)
Live by the sword
Not by Gods word, in blasphemy
No age of God
Christian dogs, lie slaughtered
Chaos resumes
Hell hath consumed, my shattered soul
Devil in me
So it shall be forever
Hatred of life
My wish To die, end Earthbound hell
Disciples of Christ
To be denied eternally
Left a husk of a man
Waiting for death
No comfort in life, you made me suffer
Struck down by fate
Swallowed by torment
I shall return with powers of sin
Ill cut you down
Remember my name
You are the weak, I am the strong
Regret the day, you crossed my path
Jehovah scum
Spewing forth lies
Dying to live
Living to die
Drugs have enslaved
His pitiful mind
Weak willed poor fool
Worm of a man
He ceased to be Human
Pitiful wretch
He has no honour
A waste of air
My blackened blade
Shall sever your neck
You are worth less than dirt
Miserable cunt