Zablujena Generacija brez nadzora brez pravil

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Darkness is still falling over the city when we step onto the road
Now we have no problems, we are going down to the city
We have bought grenades, loaded the plan, prepared everything as it should be
Dons we will break through the sound system with our head wall
We never let entertainment be predictable
It must always be fun, maximally interesting
No control, no rules
We will break the sound wall with our heads
No control , no rules
Ripped film is our style
Is our style
We bought grenades, loaded the plan, prepared everything as it should be
Dons we will break the sound barrier
Dons game Lost generation
Cazzo of rock and roll
This one never lets the party be predictable
Always has to be fun, maximally interesting
No control, no rules
We'll be loud with our heads broke the wall
No control, no rules
Ripped film is our style
It is our style