Zazie vienne la nuit

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OK, it starts when I wake up, is it okay?
I tell myself it's gone with a bit of luck
But it's already there, that's what gets me started
This voice that calls me
Troubles me and bewitches me
Yes I am deceiving you with it
Come the night
Come the sleepless night
God I love him
God I love him
My insomnia
My cry in the silence
God I love him
The shadow of myself
br/>From then on every time when I leave
It's to marry the black
Don't believe you know, don't believe
You are my weakness
And I laugh to see myself so beautiful in your mirror
You should know that
Nothing can move me
As much as the force of despair
Come on night
Come the sleepless night
God that I love him
God that I love him
My insomnia
My cry in the silence
God that I love him
The shadow of myself
As true as when I dance
It's the better to deceive the enemy
The enemy is all evil that I think
Of me of my evil that I do to myself
Yes but at night
Yes but the sleepless night
God that I love him
God that I loves her
To madness
This life goes against the grain
She who leads me
To the shadow of myself
Come the sleepless night
God I love him
The shadow of myself