Zuri West hanspeter

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umehange - umeschtah
was seit woharegah
was seis duregeit
was isich where agseise
were ride with whom with
ar a hot sled
ar isch no anyway
hanspeter - i wott mitcho....
do you find the name in french
does it appear in gray whether it is squat or straight
2 meters ohni rousshoeh
dermasse bi figur
e maa wienes ardbebe
steu dr mau vor du lufes with dim meitschi dur spitugass
u her aute si am se u si zeut grad
that there is a bottle of rosé in the cupboard at home
u re ds puff in your city on an alarm clock
u jitz nimmsch none bis vo dim whoppercheese
u uberleisch dr scho mau
purely preventive
what are you doing in the bude? br/>u notice how he throws the whopper on the sandals
gorsh mature squeaky
see two meters of chrome and black and inside dr hanspeter
u see how they look
who she näbenang hocke
ar isch dr king - du hesch dr burger i de socke
fruecher or schpater chunt dr hanspeter
hanspeter i warne di
hanspeter i hate di
hanspeter u nid nume i
hanspeter gang furt vo hie