Adi Smolar boanski glas

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Adi Smolar
Božanski Glas
This is what my mother told me
that once there lived a lady in town:
beautiful face, even more beautiful hair and your height.
All the men looked after her,
they sat under her window for whole days
because sometimes she sang aloud.
When she finished her singing,
she just smiled lightly at everyone,
and the men showered her with bouquets of flowers.
They clapped their hands and stomped their feet,
they prayed for more songs.
And she complied with the wishes of the hot-blooded men.
But one evening, when she was standing by the window again,
HE came, whom she had not yet known: < br/>tall and young and beautiful... And he took her all over.
He just set her on fire with his gaze,
in her eyes he rose the whole time.
And finally he started singing.
Že èez something weeks they got married,
soon they had two children,
one of them is me.
From her I inherited all my beauty
and from him all my masculine beauty
but from both my GOD'S VOICE!